Catholic Personalism for the 21st Century

6/19/2024 Update: Henderson Publishing
For the last three months we have been working with Henderson Publishing to publish the books we have made and will make in the future. What this means is that:
1) All of our old links concerning these books are now out-dated and old editions will become out of print and unavailable for sale as new editions by Henderson Publishing are released.
2) Our book page will now redirect you to Henderson Publishing's website.
New books that we have published include a collection of papal documents by Benedict XVI, several of John Paul II's encyclicals individually and together as a single volume, a new series of Greek and Roman classics, and more.
12/30/2023 Update: The Complete Summa Theologiae
I want to announce today that we have completed the Summa Theologiae. All five volumes are now available in a nice paperback edition.
Prima Pars:
Prima Secundae:
Secunda Secundae:
Tertia Pars:
11/28/2023 Update: The Summa Theologiae & Norse Mythology
Briefly, we want to announce that the first volume of our edition of the Summa Theologiae has now been published. It contains the entire Prima Pars for only $29.99. You can find more information here.
The Summa Theologiae will be published in five volumes. Volume two will contain the Prima Secundae, volume three the Secunda Secundae, then the Tertia Pars and Supplement as the last two. Volume two will be published very soon, so stay tuned for that.
Lastly, I want to announce that we have completed our publication of our six volume set of Norse Literature. You can check out all six titles on the book page.
10/4/2023 Update: Norse Mythology
Hello everyone,
We have been quiet for a while but busy. I first want to introduce our latest book: The Poetic and Prose Eddas, the first volume of our new Norse Literature Series. We will be publishing about once a week up through mid November for a total of six volumes for now.
What is really cool about this series is that it is a budget friendly way to become acquainted with Norse literature. We have compiled over 20 different works and condensed them into six volumes. This is a lot of material and it took us some time to get these books built. We are quite happy with how they turned out between the look of the pages and the stunning covers.
Looking to the future, we are working on the Summa Theologiae. This project is still a ways out yet. I don't have more details yet for this given that we are still in the early stages of assembling this project.
We also have an exciting new project that we are working on, but it is a secret for now. Stay tuned!
8/2/2023 Project Update: More Books and the Future
We have added four books recently to our catalog. We have added The Anti-Manichean Works and The Anti-Donatist Works both by St. Augustine, Select Works by St. Ambrose, and The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. All of our books can be found at our catalog page here. Don't forget that by signing up on our Patreon you can get copies of our books as rewards! Be sure to check out our page!
Looking to the future, we are closing in on finishing the Summa Theologiae project. Expect an update on this in a couple of months. Other projects we will be working on include a series of Norse Literature including historical and mythological works, and Cardinal Newman's Plain and Parochial Sermons. If you haven't noticed, we have started printing classics. The Wind in the Willows is the first classic we've done. There are already five more in the pipeline to be published.
We have also restarted producing theology of the body videos. There are already thirty new ones produced. These will start being published around September.
6/21/2023 Update: Communion, New Books, and Patreon
In today's update we have added Guillermo's latest article on the question of whether it is licit to receive Communion in the hands or if it is illicit, or even worse, immoral to practice. You can read about his in depth research here.
We have also added several new books:
St. Augustine's Anti-Pelagian Works
St. Augustine's On Christian Doctrine, Doctrinal Treatises, and Moral Treatises
St. Robert Bellarmine's The Art of Dying Well
St. Gregory Nazianzen's Select Letters and Orations
You can check out our book catalog here.
We have also updated our Patreon page to now be a book club where those who purchase a monthly membership of at least $5 will be rewarded with free books. You can find our Patreon page here.
4/11/2023 Update: Expanded Book Collection
Happy Easter everyone!
We have started republishing classic works. This is our official announcement about them. We have reprinted four books over the last month, three works by St. John Henry Newman, his An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent, On the Development of Christian Doctrine, and Sermons Preached on Various Occasions. The fourth title is Adolf von Hildebrand's The Problem of Form in Painting and Sculpture.
Our plan is to publish new works each month. For next month we are working on a volume of St. Robert Bellarmine and of St. Gregory Nazianzen.
You can find all of our books at the books page here.
3/13 Update: Church: Drugs and Drug Addiction
Hello, in today's update we have done some more polishing on the website; some of which you will notice, but again most you will not. We have also added some new content. Notably, chapter 1 of Church: Drugs and Drug Addiction now has its own page you can find here. We also have the entire .pdf in English available here.
We have also partnered with Catholicism for the Modern World. Be sure to check out their site and social media. They are doing great work. You can find links for their accounts and sites here.
3/9/2023 Update: Ebook Version of Opium of the Masses
We are pleased to announce that an ebook version of Jeremy's The Opium of the Masses is now available. The ebook version is priced at $9.99.
2/24/2023 Update: Website Revamp
Nothing new is added to the website. We have completed some polishing behind the scenes to make the website function better. The "Books" tab is now in the middle.
In the near future expect to see Guillermo's article on the subject of communion in the hands and some short stories by Charles.
1/15/2023 Update: First Book
The time has finally arrived. Le Nouvel Esprit has its first book self published. Jeremy's hard work on marijuana has finally matured into a 300 page volume on the Catholic teaching on drugs and marijuana. He outlines the Church's teachings over 200 pages and the rest is Church documents on these topics. You will be hard pressed to find these documents anywhere in print, unless of course you print them off of our site. You can find our books underneath the books tab now at the top of the website or can simply click here.
You will also discover Jeremy's little book of strategies for winning tic-tac-toe, as silly as that seems. There is a strategy behind the game and his little book shows the way.
The Vatican II articles page has been reformatted. There are very few changes made that are visible but it should make our lives more manageable. This reformatting will be done to some of our other pages over the course of this upcoming year. One major change is that some of the essays on Dignitatis Humanae have been broken up.
Jeremy has a new aesthetics essay on science fiction now up that focuses on some theological and philosophical themes found in Star Wars, Star Trek, and Stargate. You can check it out here.
Looking to the future:
Guillermo has been working on an article exploring the communion in the hands controversy. This will be ready in the next month or so.
Charles has turned to composing short stories and poetry. The website will be hosting them this year so stay tuned for more information.
Jeremy has been working on a manuscript exploring the dogma no salvation outside of the Church from the Church Fathers to today. He is currently +200 pages into it. Other than that, expect some more essays on aesthetics in the near future.
12/4/2022: Update: Website Improvements
Over the last few days we have made several improvements to the website including: mobile optimization, fixing broken links, and some aesthetic work. We plan to continue improving the website this month to ensure that everything is functioning correctly.
In the near future we will be adding some fiction to the website as Charles has taken up writing short stories. Jeremy's first book will also be added to the website soon. There are now over 25 videos live on the theology of the body. Check out this amazing resource here on our website or on YouTube, Rumble, and all platforms our podcasts are normally distributed on.
We have been very busy behind the scenes which is why there has not been any announcements for a couple months.
9/5/2022 Update: Theology of the Body
We are excited to announce our first theology of the body videos are now live. We have two videos up, on the structure of TOB and audience 1. You can learn more here:
8/24/2022 Update: Podcast Episodes
We have added two new podcast episodes. Episode 10 is a discussion of aesthetics and videogames. Episode 11 features our first guest speakers and is on the history of the diocese of Campos leading to the creation of the Personal Apostolic Administration of St. John Mary Vianney, the only place in the world where there is a diocesan level of adoption of the TLM. The people of this area have continued celebrating the TLM since Vatican II. All of our podcast episodes can be found here.
7/26/2022 Update: Brave
We are now verified creators through Brave internet browser. What this means is that if you do use Brave, you can directly tip us cryptocurrency on either our website or YouTube, without having to leave either platform. It is an easy way to show your support. You can also set up a recurring tip to be sent to us.
7/16/2022 Update: Podcast, Safe Spaces?, TOB and More
Episode 9 of our podcast has now been released. It is on the topic of social media, raising the question whether social media is worth it. You can check it out here.
Guillermo's latest article is now published. It is a review of the documentary No Safe Spaces. In it, Guillermo outlines some of the forces behind the cancel culture and how to combat it. You can check it out here.
We have a new page dedicated to our upcoming Theology of the Body video series, starting Sept. 5. You can obtain information here.
Jeremy will have a forthcoming book on the morality of marijuana. More information to come.
We have made several updates to the website. Several pages have been given an aesthetic pass and performance optimization. This includes the various resources page, the theology articles main page, and more.
06/30/2022 Update: New Podcast Episode
Our latest podcast episode is uploaded! Join us as we refer to the First Vatican Council to address the relationship between faith and reason! We analyze these terms as well as those of natural revelation and supernatural revelation! Link.
6/12/2022 Update: Pride Month, Infiltration, and Videos
We have three updates for today:
We released a new podcast episode dedicated to Pride month, tackling the problem of the LGBT lifestyle and what it means for Christians. Link.
We have a new section for articles dedicated to radical traditionalism. Link. Some previously written articles are on this page, but we added Guillermo's newest article on the topic of infiltration and the Catholic's response to this type of argument. This essay is well worth the read. Link.
We have started filming a video series on St. Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body. Once we get closer to completing the series, we will start releasing episodes for public viewing. Patreon supporters get early access and can already start watching some episodes.
Just to note that episodes 5 and 6 are also on YouTube and Rumble now. The podcast was also added to more distribution platforms so that audiences can now find us on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more.
6/6/2022 Update: New Podcast Episode
Our 6th episode of our podcast is uploaded! Join us as discuss identity politics on the left, especially reagarding their weaponization of race. We shed light on the relationship between race and identity politics, addressing how it is manifested in our mainstream culture. Our podcast episode list can be found here.
5/9/2022 Update: Podcast on YouTube
Episodes 3 and 4 of the podcast are now available on YouTube and Rumble.
4/30/2022 Update: Vatican II, Aesthetics and More
Today we publish some website updates and four new articles by Jeremy.
We have added several of our social media accounts to our subscribe page. There you can find all of our accounts. We have reorganized the top menu and moved some of the social media links to simplify the website design.
The first article is You are not Worth Talking to: the Tyrannical Reign of the Screen, which is a sort of meditation upon how electronic screens have come to dominate our social lives. You can read it here.
Jeremy's next article, What Public Education can be, outlines a noble vision of how we can transform public education by championing classical education, and can be found here.
After visiting the National Art Gallery in Washington, D.C., Jeremy provides some thoughts in his Three Principles for Considering Paintings here.
Lastly, and importantly, Jeremy addresses the common radical traditionalist objection to Vatican II as being a tree bearing bad fruit. The rebuttal can be found here.
04/17/22 Update: New Podcast Episode
Blessed Easter! Today, we have uploaded our fifth podcast episode! Join us as we address the question, 'what is education?' As educators, and from a personalist perspective, we give our insight on the difference between education and propaganda, we go over how a culture of mediocrity has gotten the modern education system to its current state, and we offer ideas of where to go from here. Our podcast episode list can be found here.
03/13/22 Update: New Podcast Episode
Today, we published our fourth podcast episode! Join Guillermo and Charles as they journey through the foundational works of literature known as the Great Books! These include such works by classical poets including Dante Alighieri, the Shakespearean plays, fictional novels including those by Charles Dickens, and treatises on politics including those influential to the founding of the United States. In this podcast episode, our hosts address what the Great Books are, how they are foundational to Western Civilization, how they have withstood the test of time, and how they are related to our mission at Le Nouvel Esprit! Our podcast episode list can be found here.
3/6/2022 Update: Luminous Mysteries
Today we publish Guillermo's article on the Luminous Mysteries wherein he addresses some of the SSPX complaints against them. You can check out the article here.
We are also working on expanding our podcast distribution to incorporate video forms of it on YouTube and Rumble. Episode 1 is already up on both platforms now. Episode 2 is in the works.
02/27/2022 Update: New Podcast Episode
Today we published our third Le Nouvel Esprit Podcast Episode! In this episode, we introduce the topic of personalism and we share about its origins and about its necessity in this day and age, when mainstream culture's view of the human person is drastically far from what God intended it to be. This distortion comes from both the extreme left and the extreme right. Personalism is a defense of the human person against "-isms". Our podcast episode list can be found here.
2/13/2022 Update: New Episode and Husserl
Today we published a new podcast episode. In it we discuss the catalyst for the creation of Le Nouvel Esprit, radical traditionalism and its rejection of Vatican II. Join Guillermo and Jeremy as they discuss radical traditionalism and specifically, the SSPX and its history. Our podcast episode list can be found here.
Also published is the next iteration of Jeremy's commentary on the Logical Investigations which can be found here.
1/30/2022 Update: Podcast, Charles, Vatican II, and More
In today's update, we have several new and exciting things.
First, we have launched a podcast. We have a new page dedicated to it. You can check it out here. Our first episode is live. In it we give an introduction of ourselves and background information about the website.
Second, we would like to introduce our newest author, Charles Massiatte. Charles is a good friend and exceptionally sharp. Graduate from Harvard, current teacher of Great Books, Charles has a lot of insight to share with our readers.
Third, Part II of Jeremy's Hermeneutics of Vatican II series has been revised. The single page we had before has been expanded into six. Part II.1 covers the hermeneutic of continuity, Part II.2 the hermeneutic of discontinuity, Part II.3 the hermeneutic of continuity in regards to the theological notes, Part II.4 addresses the question whether Vatican II is an Ecumenical Council, Part II.5 examines the role of dissent, and Part II.6 presents a final argument concerning Vatican II's continuity and legitimacy and the bibliography.
Fourth, we have added several other new articles. Chapters 7, 10, and 11 of the Commentary of Husserl's Logical Investigations are now live. Two new articles on aesthetics are up, The Death of the Hero and The Eschatological Dimensions of Art. We have also added more Magisterial documents on Vatican II.
12/12/2021 Update: Theocratic Propaganda, Dogs, and Modern Art
In today's update we publish Guillermo's next iteration of Theocratic Propaganda. Titled, What Do We Mean by 'Religion'?, it explores what the title suggests. You can read it here.
Guillermo has also written a provocative little essay titled Dogs are not People, in which he addresses the troubling phenomenon of confusing animality and personhood with the arrival of concepts such as 'fur-babies'. Animals are pets, but never people nor children. You can read about this strange result of the modern rejection of sexuality here.
Lastly, Jeremy has written a short article on aesthetics, titled The Brutalization of Man Through Art. He argues that there are two cultures, with two basic categories of cultural products. One of which has led to the degradation of modern man, a process he calls brutalization. The link is here.
10/3/2021 Update: Vatican II, Unprotected, and More
Today is a big update. We published Guillermo's review of the documentary Unprotected, which you can read here. We added two documents by the CDF concerning the ecclesiology of Vatican II. Jeremy has completed Part IV and Part V of his series on Vatican II hermeneutics. Part IV develops some textual hermeneutics within the paradigm that Vatican II is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Part V makes the argument that the two dogmatic constitutions, Lumen Gentium and Dei Verbum, have theological priority for interpreting the documents of the Council. Lastly, Jeremy also wrote a short article on Protestantism that you can read here.
We also passed a milestone of hosting 50 different paintings live on our site. We are near a second milestone of publishing 50 written articles.
8/15/2021 Update: More Husserl
Jeremy's Commentary on Husserl's Logical Investigations, Prolegomena, Chapter 6, is now up. You can check it out here.
8/14/2021 Update: Abortion, LGBT, and Traditionis Custodes
With today's update we release some articles on quite controversal subjects. Guillermo has written an article on Pope Francis' Traditionis Custodes which limits the Latin Mass. You can read about it here.
We reached out to Ethika Politika and they agreed to allowing us to republish an old article of Jeremy's, called The Unborn Child is Never the Aggressor. Weirdly enough, abortion advocates argue that unborn children are unjust aggressors against their mothers and are compared with attackers wielding switchblades. You can read about this type of argument here.
Jeremy has also written an article on Amoris Laetitia's teachings on transgenderism and same-sex unions. In this document, Pope Francis rejects both the core ideology of transgenderism and the validity of same-sex unions. You can read more here.
In the near future the next iteration of Husserl will be completed. Jeremy is also working on the next phase in the hermeneutics on Vatican II series. More details forthcoming on our Patreon page.
8/1/2021 Update: Husserl and Meditations
It's been a while since we've posted. Summer has been crazy and is finally winding down, and with that new content is being produced again. In today's update is the next iteration of Jeremy's commentary on Husserl's Logical Investigations, found here.
Also published is three short meditations on various themes. They are: On Naming Your Child, On Parking Your Car, and On Giving Your Best. The purpose of these short articles is to help apply the Christian life to various aspects of our daily lives and provide some meditative thoughts for inspiration.
In the near future we will have more articles ready. Two are in editing. We have also reformatted our culture articles section.
5/25/2021 Update: Husserl and Optimization
Two small updates. 1) We have done some work with optimizing the website for mobile users. 2) The next installment of Jeremy's Commentary on Husserl's Logical Investigations is now up. You can read it here.
5/16/2021 Update: Hermeneutics, Husserl, and More
On this day celebrating the Lord's Ascension, we are excited to announce Part III of our series Hermeneutics of Vatican II is now live on the site. This has proved to be a major undertaking, so much so that we had to do a lot of work behind the scenes on the website itself. Part III sprawls about 130 pages in Google Docs, and so we spread it out across nine articles here.
The basic thesis of Part III is that Vatican II must be interpreted as an enrichment of the Catholic faith. Part III.1 develops this as a hermeneutical principle. Part III.2.1 through Part III.2.6 apply this hermeneutic to several hot button issues on the meaning of the Council's address to modern man, the meanings of dialogue, pastorality, aggiornamento, ad intra and ad extra, and of course the Spirit of Vatican II. Part III.2.7 describes how once these are all understood why the hermeneutic of ambiguity is a false start. Lastly, Part III.3 describes the relationship between the hermeneutic of faith and the hermeneutic of suspicion and their roles in understanding Vatican II.
As if this weren't enough, the next two iterations of Jeremy's Commentary on Husserl's Logical Investigations are also live, covering chapters two and three of the Prolegomena. He has also written a short meditation called On Mowing Your Lawn.
If you could not tell, Jeremy suddenly had a lot of free time. This meant that he started a page featuring reviews of books on Vatican II. They are short reviews meant to help our readers get a sense of what books are good for developing one's understanding of the Council and what books one ought to avoid. We already have ten books reviewed and plenty more to add. You can check it out here.
Three last things to note is that first, due to some of the work behind the scenes, the old URLs for all four parts of our commentary on Dignitatis Humanae and Parts I and II on Vatican II Hermeneutics have changed. Second, there are some minor formatting issues that will be worked out later this week. Third, the tab names bug mentioned previously has been fixed.
4/11/2021 Update: Covid and Time Travel
Happy Divine Mercy Sunday! Today, we published two articles. The first is Guillermo's analysis on a semipopular interpretation of the Our Lady of Akita messages that COVID is the great chastisement. Such an interpretation is a stretch and Guillermo explains why. You can read the article here.
Second, Jeremy published an article on time travel, arguing that it is impossible to travel into the past because such a view contradicts God's immutability. You can read it here.
Third, several additional Magisterium documents on Vatican II have been added, including most of the Acta Synodalia, speeches by John XXIII, Francis, and Paul VI, and more. Check out here to see what's new. Note that there is a bug that the tabs are all named "Acta Synodalia", which will be resolved once I figure out how to fix this.
3/12/2021 Update: Art Page
We have added a new page featuring all of the art used on our site. You can find it here or under About in the main menu.
3/10/2021 Update: Husserl and Church Documents
Three updates:
1) The website's aesthetic has been updated. Expect some further website changes in the future as we do more updating.
2) The beginning of Jeremy's Commentary on Husserl's Logical Investigations is on the site.
3) The beginning of a new section of Church documents on Vatican II has been created. This involved a reorganization under a new area for all Church documents.
2/14/2021 Update: Review of The Dating Project
Date Differently: A Review on The Dating Project by Guillermo Moreno has been published!
A direly needed documentary for our time, The Dating Project offers a critique of the hook-up culture that is parallel if not synonymous with the culture of death. Above all, it also proposes to viewers traditional dating as the solution to the hook-up culture. Following the lives of five singles whose ages range from 18-40, this film engages the questions of love and relationships and answers with a message of truth and hope for members of the dating pool. Family-friendly and faith-friendly, The Dating Project is a must see for all young adults. It is a fitting documentary for both faith-based and secular audiences.
2/7/2021 Update: Church Documents on Drugs
We have added over twenty documents by the Magisterium on the topic of drugs. You can check them out here.
1/23/2021 Update: Partnership
We have partnered with Defending Vatican II. They share our mission in promoting the authentic teachings of Vatican II and countering various objections raised against the Council.
1/1/2021 Update: Church Teaching on Drugs
Several new and exciting things have occurred. First, we have done a major aesthetic pass on the website. Second, we have done a first pass at mobile optimization, something we had not done previously. Third, we have a brand new custom logo for the website which is very exciting.
Lastly, we have published a series on marijuana and the Catholic teaching on drug usage. The series is broken up into five parts covering the Church's teaching, the health effects of marijuana, a Catholic theological understanding of drugs and alcohol, Ratzinger's theology of drugs, and the philosophical question as to whether or not one can use drugs to bring about mystical experiences. We also have a corresponding YouTube series. YouTube Playlist URL.
10/3/2020 Update: Vatican II Hermeneutics
We have launched a Patreon page! You can support us here:
Secondly, we have launched a series on hermeneutics on Vatican II. Part I focuses on understanding Vatican II as a gift of the Holy Spirit. Part II defends the authority of Vatican II and its continuity with Catholic Tradition.
Third, the website has received some aesthetic improvements.
7/27/2020 Update: Commentary on Dignitatis Humanae
There are now four parts to Commentary on Dignitatis Humanae. Part I is an analysis of the text. Part II investigates the historical development of the Church's teachings on religious freedom. Part III analyzes some arguments against Dignitatis Humanae put forth by the SSPX. And Part IV deconstructs the arguments by Marcel Lefebvre against Dignitatis Humanae.
The Immaculate Conception by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
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